I think my wife is a Superhero!

I think my wife is a Superhero!

I know what you are thinking. A superhero? Right. Frank, you done lost your mind. But hear me out…

This weekend my wife was in Texas on a business trip. I was home with my five teenage/adult children
along with a three-week old infant, a ten-month old toddler, and a five-year old boy. In order to keep the
house clean, kids feed and supervised it took all of us. It was like a well choreographed, tornado-tag
wrestling match. (Tornado-tag matches were originally known as Texas Tornado tag matches). All three
kids were matched up on one side dishing out their wants and needs while the rest of us adults and
teenagers were meeting the needs and filtering the wants. It was quite a slobberknocker. (Please note:
no teenagers, toddlers, or babies were harmed or neglected in the real-life living of this story). But, I
am pretty sure that most moms with multiple children could relate to this story: multiple kids waking up
in the middle of the night, numerous diapers being changed, constant feeding and cleaning up, playing,
distracting and laughing. 

Here is the cool thing. Everything worked out great. No fussy babies, no crying kids, no moody
teenagers and no grumpy adults. Quite amazing really. Now let's get back to why I think that my wife is
a superhero. 

Teresa and I got married in 1998. I was 17 and she was 20, we were really just two kids, so young. In
our first five years of marriage, we had five kids. Two kids having kids of their own, right?
Imagine the scene:

I am working 65 hours a week to provide for our family of seven, plus I am volunteering about 20-30
hours a week as a pastor (a lot of ministry involved my wife and kids with me, which made it easier for
us to stay connected). My wife is home alone and raising five kids, all under five. When the tweebs
(twin dweebs) were born in 2003 (our youngest), our oldest wasn’t even five years old yet. On top of
that, many of our friends quit being our friends when we announced that we were pregnant with our
fourth and fifth child. (Interesting California-church culture dynamic for a later date). 

This weekend it took six of us plus my oldest daughter’s fiance (she is getting married next weekend),
my mother-in-law, a mother and her 11-year old daughter from life group, and my neighbors to get
through four days. 

My superhero wife, did it with five kids all on her own. Superhero! Now here is what I have figured out.
This secret is exposed. My wife isn’t the only superhero out there. There is a bunch of them and they
have a secret identity as moms. You might be married to one, a child of one, or might even be related
to one. 

I can’t wait until my superhero comes home. Hopefully we can give her a superheros welcome. 


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