Daily Reading & Prayer Routine

It is that time of year again, when we as Christians, look to tackle another bible reading plan. Everybody has different schedules and are all in a different season of life. So don’t get discouraged by my plan, just choose something that will work for you. 

Bible Reading

The ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set has been a game-changer for me. Every morning I sit quietly in my chair before the Lord and just read His Word. There are no chapter breaks, verse numbers, references, or study notes in this edition. Just Scripture. My eyes do not get fatigued by the ink that floods the rest of my bibles. I get lost in the story and have to set a timer or else I will keep reading. 

To make the more enjoyable I read a different volume (section) each day of the week. For instance, on Monday I read Volume one - The Pentateuch, Tuesday is volume two - The Historical Books, Wednesday is Poetry, Thursday I venture into The Prophets, Friday I walk with the Apostles through the Gospel and Acts, and Saturday I leisurely pace my way through the Epistles and Revelation in volume six

It is sort of like watching a T.V. series. Each Monday as I read the Pentateuch is like picking up the episode where it left off. The same is true for each day's reading. The hardest day seems to be Thursday as I read The Prophets. So much there that I do not understand but because I read through the Bible every 4 months I can make several connections that I did not see or understand before. 

On top of the Reader’s Bible, I also have picked up reading through the books of Psalm and Proverbs once a month. For the last two months, I have been reading Psalms from The New Coverdale Psalter. It is set up with morning and evening psalms. I read them out loud like I am reading to a room full of people. It helps me stay focused on the words so that I do not get lost in run-away thoughts on the tasks of the day. 

In 2021 I will probably not read the book of Proverbs once a month like usual. This time I plan to take a year to read through Proverbs in my Proverbs, Daily Wisdom book by Crossway. 

Each day this week I will post my daily reading and prayer plan.

Here are a few other things I do to start my day.


  • Matthew Henry, this is an email I receive every morning. It is usually the first email that I open. 
  • Morning Word, this is usually the second email that I open. Daily Scripture to get my brain moving. 
  • Devotional Psalter, I read this during my 9 am morning prayer time and then a couple of more times throughout the day. I more often than not, read this again before I start my bedtime routine. 
  • Daily Dose of Greek. To be completely honest, I don’t know what they are saying. I am only beginning my Greek voyage. The reason I watch this 3-minute video every morning is that I hope that soon it will start making sense as I begin to learn the language. 


I have my news curated daily by seven different new sources. This is not to say that I don’t watch mainstream news media
but these sources just give me the news without commentary and opinions. 


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